当前位置:世纪名人网 > 文化艺术 > 清水河


  清水河:男,汉,60年代初出生,大学毕业。深造于中央美院、中国美协高研班。现北京中国山水画研究院画家。   ●中国美术家协会会员,国家一级美术师。   ●中国作家协会会员。   ●文学艺术专业研究员。   ●在《美术》、《中国书法》、《中国文学》、《诗刊》、《中国书画报》、《美术界》、《书法导报》、《文艺报》、《星星》、《北京文学》、等国内外150家报刊发表作品。   ●绘画作品入选第6届、7届中国山水画展,并获银、铜奖。   ●作品入拍第11届中国当代实力派画家拍卖专场。   ●作品多次展出、获奖并入选《中国当代书法家作品集》等多种选集。   ●作品入选第十届全国美展甘肃展区。   ●出版作品有:《阳光下的影子》《清水河作品集》《清水河书画集》、《清水河画集》、《表现与个性》等。   ●作品被译为英、俄、日等文发表。   ●作品被中国现代文学馆、博物馆、档案馆及国内外人士收藏。   ●名录被载入《中国作家大辞典》、《中国当代艺术界名人录》等多种地方志。   Mr.QinShuihe was born in the early 1960';s and graduated from college   ●he is member of chinese writer association.   ●he is member of chinese calligraphy-painting association.   ●he is research fellow of gansu culture institute.   ●he is chiefeditor of FUXI civilization magazine.   ●he is workshave been published in more than 150 domestic magazines,   such as chinese calligraphy paper, chinese literature.poems,stars,chinese calligraphy-painting paper,art world,   calligraphy guide,shandong literature,sparks,yanhe river.   ●he is works have got many prizes,and admitted to the collection of chinese modern writer';s works.   ●he is published works are shadow under the sun,qing shuihe';s selected works.   ●he is works have been translated into english.russian and japanese.   ●he is works have been collectedby national library.national museum and file building.   ●he is sayings have taken off into many kinds of local magazines and the lists of chinese modern famous artists.   address:14th flat double-bridge road, tianshui.gansu province.prc.   现居:北京·宋庄 15210124090






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